Bitcoin Power Oscillator
Current BPO
Current BPO is 34.68.
We are in an ascending orange run.
The price is currently 53 518.65 above the expected price of 43 790.25.
The highest ever BPO was 96.68. If we were at 96.68 today, the price would be 405 712.55.
The lowest ever BPO was -66.76. If we were at -66.76 today, the price would be 9 414.58.
We are in the 89th day of this ascending orange run.
The longest ascending orange run ever was 209 days.
The average duration of ascending orange runs are 35.7 days.
The average duration of all orange runs are 29.9 days.
Today, the price needs to drop by 9 935.86 to start a blue run.
Today, the price needs to increase by 148 941.78 to start a red run.
Today, the price is closer to blue then red.
Analysis created .
We are in an ascending orange run.
The price is currently 53 518.65 above the expected price of 43 790.25.
The highest ever BPO was 96.68. If we were at 96.68 today, the price would be 405 712.55.
The lowest ever BPO was -66.76. If we were at -66.76 today, the price would be 9 414.58.
We are in the 89th day of this ascending orange run.
The longest ascending orange run ever was 209 days.
The average duration of ascending orange runs are 35.7 days.
The average duration of all orange runs are 29.9 days.
Today, the price needs to drop by 9 935.86 to start a blue run.
Today, the price needs to increase by 148 941.78 to start a red run.
Today, the price is closer to blue then red.
Analysis created .
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